How To Utilize Portable Patio Deck Kits

You can go camping with nothing more than a tent and a backpack, but many people like to bring supplies and amenities to make their camping trip more pleasant. A portable patio deck kit can help you stay clean, dry, and comfortable wherever you go. These decks can be utilized with a tent or RV, so you can camp however you like. Here are four tips that will help you utilize portable patio decks while camping or at home:

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Making Mud Pies at 35 - Unfortunately, the boardwalks we enjoyed elsewhere were not capable of tagging along with us wherever our adventure’s took us. But they would have been so absolutely GREAT for that NASCAR event. We had to figure out how to get that “luxury” available anywhere we decided to park and play.

And Travel EASY Decks was born. Jody took my request for a “portable carpet” and thought of just about every possible was to make it my most favorite piece of camping equipment ever!

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